This spring marks my one year birthdate as a yoga teacher. I use the label “teacher” out of convention but I think of myself as more of a guide. I show the students in class possibilities as they are their own teachers. It is up to them to know when to push and when to back off, what is discomfort they can commit to and what is pain. What is accessible to them on that day and what is better left for another day. Maybe it is because I feel like I am in my infancy on this path of “teacher” that I am reluctant to use such a bold title. Yoga has been incredibly healing, centering and empowering for me and I get great joy out of sharing the fruits of the practice. I love witnessing people’s paths evolve. I love watching a students transition from a worked up ball of energy before class to peaceful mush with a new light in their eyes after class. But, I am still more of a student than a teacher. I learn so much more from them than they do from me.
This last year hasn’t been easy but it has been joyful and full of rich lessons. As I reflect, I’d like to share a bit of what I have learned with the new teachers coming up.
- From the moment you step into your own class you are responsible for the energy you bring, for creating a nurturing and inviting space and for the safety of your students. Safety is key. Don’t allow your students to do anything crazy that they are not ready for or that puts other students in danger. I give the class space to make the practice uniquely theirs by encouraging them to add to the flow or modify as needed. A fellow teacher took this liberty a little far and while we were in down dog she was in handstand (a dangerous one at that). While we were in wheel she was arm balancing. I drew her back into the class but I was disappointed in myself that I didn’t take a firmer stance earlier than I did.
- Every class will “feel” different. Some days you will be on fire and the words seamlessly pour out of your mouth and other days the energy will be flat. Don’t project your perspective on the class. Just hang in there and go with it because chances are it is all you (unless you are hungover or sick).
- But there will be days when you will suck. No candy coat here. You will. Be ok with it. It gives you a platform to work off of to do something differently the next time.
- People will walk out. Again, get ok with it. Most of the time it has nothing to do with you. People come to class for all kinds of reasons, one being to feel better when they are sick. It backfires and they leave. Don’t follow them out. Don’t ask them why. Just allow them the space to quietly roll up their mat give them a smile and a courteous wave.
- Music. Either have it or don’t. But don’t have a non-music class then turn on the jams during savasana because it’s your favorite song. It won’t have the same effect on them. The introspective focused vibe will change to restless energy in what is supposed to be the most restful of all poses.
- Teach from experience and from what you know and not straight from the books. This goes for philosophy, spiritual pearls and the postures. If you don’t fully understand it and it doesn’t feel authentic to you the students will see right through it and it’ll fall flat.
- Share from your heart and grow a thick skin. As a new teacher, people will give you feedback whether you welcome it or not. Take it in with a filter. Keep what you can use constructively and let the rest go. The more you chase opinions to appease people the less true to yourself you will be.
- You are not alone. Even the most experienced teachers started where you are. Reach out and find a mentor. There is a wealth of knowledge and experience you can tap into for support.
And finally...
“Teach for yourself and practice for your students.” ~ Judith Lasater
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